About PPPU

About PPPU

The Public-Private Partnership Law Number (17) for the year 2020 is the exclusive legal framework for public-private partnership projects in Jordan. In this context, The Public-Private Partnership Unit was established in the Prime Ministry, to be the central body for the supervision and support of all PPPs conducted by the Government of Jordan.

The PPP Unit has been transferred to the Ministry of Investment to be linked to His Excellency the Minister of Investment under an amended law for the Law on Restructuring Government Institutions and Departments No. 6 of 2022. Also, the PPP Law provides the legal framework required to execute the projects and sets the roles and responsibilities for all the stakeholders.

The PPP Unit, that is linked directly with the Minister of Investment and is supervised by the Higher PPP Committee, has a regulatory mandate to provide the full support for all parties to implement the PPP projects.